Cyclone separators (cyclones) are determined for the separation of solid particles from extracted air particles. They are used as individual equipment or they configurate into multicyclones. They find their main use in businesses where large amounts of material is extracted, such as for example saw-dust, peel, granules. We choose the size of the cyclone separators (cyclones) from versions according to specific needs.
Cyclone separator (cyclone) is able to regulate the extracted air particle flow, thanks to its shape, and owing to its centrifugal force and inertia, separation of solid particles contained in the extracted air happens. The separated solid particles then fall into the conical part of the cyclone separator (cyclone) which is terminated with a calming chamber, where it is further passed, by means of a rotating lifter, for further processing. The cyclone separator (cyclone) is usually placed on a supporting steel construction, which is designed individually for each case of use.