Complete feed compound with a capacity of 4t / h for the production of loose feeds.
Pivovar Moravia – Medlánky
Intake and storage of malt, weighing storage bins including intake hopper and expedition conveyors.
Reconstruction of the compound feed plant with DPMA1400 paddle mixer including oil spraying, VM 55 grinding line, new granulation line and automatic packing line.
Míchárna Ubušínek, spol. s r.o.
Mixing line feed for cattle, including new expedition silos 8 x 30 tons.
ROTEZ s.r.o.,
Post-harvest line including income support, 4x 875 t grain silo with active ventilation, cleaner, expedition.
BOCUS a.s. Letohrad
Complete feed mill with a capacity of 4t / h for the production of granulated feed.
Zemědělská společnost Skalsko, s.r.o.
Reconstruction of the compound feed plant with output 4t / h.
Petrohradská a.s.
Post-harvest line, 4x 1000 t grain silo including active ventilation, expedition, drying and pre-cleaning.
ZOD Úmonín, VKS Křesetice
Reconstruction of the compounding plant including expedition silos.
AGRO Liboměřice a.s.,
Complete feed mill with capacity 3 t/h and post-harvest line.
RABBIT Chotýšany, a.s.
Complete feed mill with capacity 15t / h, one of the largest in the Czech Republic.
ZAS Bečváry a.s..
Storage batteries 4 x 60t including reverse feeders chain conveyor.
Lukrena a.s. VKS Dolní Lukavice
Complete feed mill for the production of extruded feed.