TAURUS , s.r.o., Chrudim is a traditional Czech producer of technologies for rendering plants, which are sanitary establishments harmlessly disposing of waste of animal origin, spoiled meat, carcasses of animals that have died, and in particular parts of animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses not used for human consumption. Waste solidification is a technological process of waste treatment consisting in its stabilisation by suitable additives reducing the possibility of leaching dangerous elements and compounds from the waste matrix.
Crushing and grinding the material to smaller parts
Pressing meat and bone mash - product: animal (meat and bone) meal
Grinding meat and bone meal
Screening meat and bone meal
Weighing, mixing, transport routes for rendering plants
Technological lines for biological waste processing in biostations
Receipt of raw material in the bin
Detection and removal of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
Disintegration (crushing) and subsequent transport of raw material for further processing
Hygienisation of raw material and transport of hygienised raw material for further processing
Technological lines for waste treatment in rendering plants, waste solidification and stabilisation
Receipt, intermediate storage, and pre-treatment
Machine room - sterilization, drying, and pressing
Fat room - fat treatment and storage
Meal room - treatment, storage and expedition of meal