TAURUS , s.r.o., Chrudim produces and delivers special equipment for environments with explosion hazards (EX areas). Combustible dusts formed inside industrial equipment may cause explosions. Protection systems prevent explosions and thus injury to health, death and equipment damage or destruction. The machines are intended for use in environments with an explosion hazard of combustible dusts according to directive No 94/9/EC (Gov. Decree No. 23/2003 Coll.), preventing formation of initiation sources, or identifying initiation sources and simultaneously switching off technological equipment. The machines are delivered including assembly, putting into operation, guarantee and post-guarantee service, and equipment overhaul.
Equipment for zones: 20, 21, 22
Use for materials: D
Explosion class: St1
Machinery for environments with explosion hazards
Separators and screens
Crushing mills/hammer mills
Mixers and mixing equipment
Magnetic separators
Design activities, preparation of investment and technological specification
Ensuring preparation of technological equipment projects for environments with explosion hazards
Preparation of the protocol on determining environments of technological equipment with special focus on environments with explosion hazards according to CSN EN 1172-1, 406/2004 Coll., ATEX 1999/92/EC, and CSN EN standards in force